Creating a Research Culture

Scope: A collaborative research project that took place over the course of the 2015-2016 academic year that sought to provide research for Pratt’s Graduate Communications Design department on two key questions:
  1. how to cultivate a research culture in an institution where one does not previously exist; and
  2. what is the state of academic publications, and how, theoretically, could Pratt’s Grad ComD department apply a model of publishing to its current output.

Case studies of other institutions with vibrant research cultures from the academic, corporate, and not-for-profit sectors.

Interviews with researchers, academics and designers about  environments and communities that support their work, and how that integrates with their personal research process and objectives.

Road map illustrating the ideal organizational structure of academic research institutions, and how information systems form between individuals and groups therein. 

Taxonomy of research publication types and analysis of their content, impact, and process of creation. 

Road maps to help the department implement programs and processes that would compile existing content in a formal way in preparation for publication; and that would set the framework for creating more publishable research content going forward.